Donate Online to Sisters for Scholars
Each year, AAPA gives thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving women selected for their outstanding grades, community service, and university service. The AAPA Sisters for Scholars campaign raises these scholarship funds to benefit high school, collegiate, and alumnae women in the Atlanta area.
All funds raised through the AAPA Sisters for Scholars campaign go directly to our scholarships. Just think, your donation may help a high school woman use her funds to pledge your sorority, a collegiate woman pay her sorority dues, or an alumnae continue her education or change her career. It may even be someone you know!
A donation to the AAPA Sisters for Scholars fund is also a great way to honor someone special. All donations are recognized at the monthly AAPA meetings and on the AAPA website.
Thank you for considering a donation to this great cause. AAPA is a 501c7 and its tax id number is 58-1413137.